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Half day GC Singles Competition 17 April 2024

Thanks to Manager Vincent L'Estrange for running this event. He reports:

On a cold but mostly rain-free day 28 players enjoyed another of our new half day tournaments in seven blocks of 4. It was lovely to see a mix of regulars, new members and, ahem, older members who haven't played much competitive croquet in recent years.

Block A was won by Konstantin after a count back. He, Roger and Daphne each won 2 games with a net +5 hoop difference. They had each beaten one of the other 2 but Konstantin scored 20 hoops, Roger 19 and Daphne 18. Very close.

In Block B Tony Nicholas won all three and in Block C Jim Mander with 2 wins net +5 narrowly beat Alan Grundy, 2 wins +3.

Block D was won comfortably by Les Ardley with 3 wins and + 13 hoops. It was closer in Block E, with Paul Brown and Joanne Crosby each winning 2 games but Paul prevailed with +4 hoops against Joanne's +3. Do let Paul know if you see his chocolates scattered around the car park.

One of our newer members, Angela Jones, was in top form in Block F, winning all three games with +10 hoops. Pat Mechen and Susan Gale each won 2 games in Block G but Pat was the clear winner with +10 hoops.

Thank you all for playing and to Linda G for a delicious ginger cake. Congratulations to all the winners.

Block A: Konstantin Yudintsev
Block B: Tony Nicholas
Block C: Jim Mander
Block D: Les Ardley
Block E: Paul Brown
Block F: Angela Jones
Block G: Pat Mechen

Full results

Block A RS DG KY RS Wins Position
Roger Sutton 7 5 7 2 2
Daphne Gaitley 4 7 7 2 3
Konstantin Yudintsev 7 6 7 2 1
Reg Soffe 3 0 3 0 4
Block B TN PG LM GG Wins Position
Tony Nicholas 7 7 7 3 1
Paul Green 6 5 7 1 3
Laki Marangos 3 7 5 1 4
Gerald Gooders 5 6 7 1 2
Block C SN AG JM JS Wins Position
Sue Nicholas 5 4 7 1 3
Alan Grundy 7 7 6 2 2
Jim Mander 7 5 7 2 1
Julie Soffe 3 7 3 1 4
Block D PG LA PG MS Wins Position
Pam Gooders 4 5 7 1 3
Les Ardley 7 7 7 3 1
Paul Griffiths 7 2 7 2 2
Michael Stanton 2 2 6 0 4
Block E PB SC JC KM Wins Position
Paul Brown 7 7 6 2 1
Susan Caulfield 6 3 7 1 4
Joanne Crosby 3 7 7 2 2
Kathy McColgan 7 6 4 1 3
Block F AJ AA PH LD Wins Position
Angela Jones 7 7 7 3 1
Angela Avis 3 7 6 1 2
Pat Harden 6 3 7 1 3
Linda Davies 2 7 5 1 4
Block G MA PM SG HJ Wins Position
Martin Avis 2 7 4 1 3
Patricia Mechen 7 6 7 2 1
Susan Gale 3 7 7 2 2
Hilary Jolly 7 3 4 1 4

Some Pictures
