Christmas Lunch 15th December
The Canteen was full of colour and anticipation of a good meal when the annual Christmas Lunch took place on Sunday.
Members enjoyed crudites, then a choice of turkey with all the trimmings or a pumpkin, spinach, mushroom and pine nut Wellington. Sweets were Christmas Pudding (of course), or pears in port, or (what I am told was an absolutley delicious) Nigella's Anglo Italian trifle.
An event like this takes a lot of effort and preparation and as a club we are extraordinarily lucky to have skilled and dedicated volunteers who are willing to put in the time and effort needed: the Working Party, who put up the decorations; the Catering Teams, led by Angela, Rachel and Gill and all their many helpers preparing, cooking and washing up. Without them, the club's social life (and its finances) would be the poor, so thank you all very much.
We should also mention the bar, staffed as ever on these occasions by Clive and Karen, and the foody quiz, prepared and led by Fran (certainly made us hungry, except perhaps the sweetbreads!). Thank you Fran.
We had an extra treat during the meal, in the form of a spontaneous rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas by Tim Kent; it started as a solo, spread to his table and across the room to most tables by the time we had reached Day 6.
We have one more event this year - the GC one day doubles competition on the 27th. then we look forward to the next season.
In the meantime, compliments of the season and a happy and healthy New Year to all.
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