Sentence to think about :    

AC Competition Rules



All games must be played by the dates shown. The Competition Secretary will chase members who allow their play-by dates to pass. If the Competition Secretary feels that a non-played match is adversely effecting the competition he can disqualify the offending player or players. In all cases the Competition Secretary’s decision will be final. Finals week is at the end of September and it is expected that all matches be completed by then, only in very exceptional cases (illness) will any further extensions be given
If the club is very busy and you cannot find a space to play your match please contact the Chairman who will move social croquet matches to accommodate you.
For the block games, please enter the ACTUAL SCORE FOR EACH SIDE (not the + or – difference). For all knockout competitions, please indicate if the game was decided on time by recording the result in the form + 5T (for example).
The bisque calculation for a one-ball handicap game is described below under the Freddy Reynold Cup.
Block winners will be decided in the following order:
(1) Number of wins
(2) Net points
(3) Who beat whom
In the event of entries for a competition being significantly lower or higher than anticipated the format may be changed at the discretion of the Competition Secretary and the Chairman.

Walkovers/unable to play your match.

If you are unable to play your match in a block format or Knockout you must advise the Competition Secretary immediately. You cannot simply offer your opponent a walkover.
In a block match if you withdraw having already played matches this could adversely affect the result of the block and must be dealt with by the Competition Secretary.
In knockout sections of a competition if you are unable to play your match you must inform the Competition Secretary who will offer your place to the player or players you have beaten in the previous round. If this is the first round after the block stage then the best placed person or pairs from the block will be offered the place.
All semi-finals should be completed by the first week of September. Extensions will only be given with the assurance that those requiring the extension are available to play in Finals Week should they win their semi-final.
Any player reaching a final must make himself or herself available to play their final in Finals Week or before the date set for the presentation of trophies. If they are unavailable they should inform the Competition Secretary and their place will be offered to their beaten semi-finalist.
If you are a finalist you cannot offer your opponent the match because of your inability to play, you must inform the Competition Secretary who will offer this match to your beaten semi-finalist.
Finals are arranged by the Competition Secretary so that they can be posted onto the website before the match. Other club members may want to watch the match so the fixing of the date for the final must be agreed with the Competition Secretary.
When you have won your semi-final please advise the Competition Secretary ASAP of your availability in Finals Week, which is usually the last week of September.
We are allowing 3 weeks between the date of the semi-final and Finals Week and a further 2 weeks before the presentation day; only in exceptional circumstances (illness) will any further extension be allowed. If you intend to take an extended holiday or are just too busy to play your final by the presentation date then you must inform the Competition Secretary who will offer the match to the beaten Semi Finalist.
The Competition Secretary will act in the best interest of the Club and their decision will be final.

What to wear? Full whites are optional but please wear white tops or club fleeces for internal club competitions.

The Competitions

Moore Cup
Knockout with best-of-three 26 point games for each round. Level play (no bisques) and advanced rules.
The competition is for players with handicaps of 6 or below. No time limit.
Sussex Gold Cup
The main Club handicap competition. Played as a knockout and is open to all members with an Association handicap. One 26 point game per round. Time limit 3.5 hours.
Shine Salvers
Alternate-stroke handicap doubles competition. 26 point games played as knockout.
Maximum handicap per player 20 (players over 20 may play off 20). Maximum total handicap per pair 34. Time limit 3.5 hours.
Daldy Cup
Singles, knockout handicap competition for players with handicaps 8 to 16 inclusive.
26 point games. Time limit 3.5 hours.
D’Esterre Bowl
Singles knockout level-play competition for players with handicaps 4 to 12 inclusive. Advanced rules
26 point games. Time limit 3.5 hours.
New Challenge Cup
This cup is not being contested this year.
Bush Cup
Handicap competition for players with handicaps of 14 or above at date of entry. The games are played to a base of 8 to give each player bisques. 14 point games played in single block. Time limit 2 hours. 
The number of bisques for each player is calculated as follows:
Deduct base 8 from player’s handicap and then halve to allow for the 14 point format.
Winner of block wins the Bush Cup. If entries allow for more than one block, block winners will progress to a final.
Franc Cup
Handicap competition for players with handicaps of 20 or below. 26 point games played in single block. Time limit 3.5 hours.
Games not played by the date shown will be scored 0 for both sides. Winner of block wins the Franc Cup. If entries allow for more than one block, block winners will progress to a final.
NB This is no longer a women's only competition but open to players of all genders.
Freddy Reynold Cup
One-ball handicap knockout competition. Each round to be best-of-three games - each game consisting of 12 hoops and the peg. Results to be recorded in the form 2-0 or 2-1. No time limits.
The method of bisque allocation is as follows :
Adjust the handicaps of either player who has an Association handicap of 1.5 or below in accordance with the following table:
Normal Handicap 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2
Bisques 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

A player's One-Ball handicap will be the lowest of:
a) their AC handicap (but see above for AC handicaps that are less than 2) 
b) 2.5 x their GC handicap (but see below for GC handicaps that are less than 0) 
c) 20
Bisques are 1/3 of the difference between the two players’ One-Ball handicaps, rounded to the nearest half bisque.
Players should not multiply minus GC handicaps by 2.5 (so -2 should not become -5)

Millennium Shield
Singles, knockout competition for players with handicaps of 12 and below. Each round to be best-of-three 14 point games played to advanced rules (i.e. level play, no bisques).
Remember, 14 point games count on your handicap card (plus or minus 10 points with adjustments according to the handicaps of the two players - because it is level play).
Time limits for the games to be 1.5 hours, 1.5 hours, 1.0 hour respectively.
Hazel Parker Shield Short Croquet Cup
A 14 point game played on half lawns for players with a short croquet handicap of 7 and above at the time of entry. Final is best of three 13 point games. Time limit 80 minutes.
Normal laws of AC apply but with different wiring rules.
Relationship between Association and Short Croquet handicaps
Association Short Association Short
-3 to -1 3 peels 8 to 9 3
-0.5 to 0.5 2 peels 10 to 11 3.5
1 to 1.5 1 Peel 12 to 13 4
2 to 2.5 0 14 to 15 5
3 to 3.5 0.5 16 to 17 6
4 to 4.5 1 18 to 19 7
5 1.5 20 to 21 8
6 2 22 to 23 9
7 2.5 24 10
AC All England Handicap
This is a National 26pt AC Handicap competition. The initial round/s for our members will be played at SCCC. Full rules will be published by the CA. The final this year will be held at Blewbury on 21st and 22nd September.

Summary: Competitions ranked by handicap requirements

(In addition there is one One Ball (Open) and One Short court competition (equivalent to AC HC 18+)

HC-lo HC high AC/GC Singles/Doubles L/H Format Name
Open AC Singles HC Knockout Sussex Gold Cup
Open AC Singles HC Block All England AC Handicap
-3 6 AC Singles Level Knockout Moore Cup
-3 12 AC Singles Level Knockout Millenium Shield
-3 20 AC Singles HC Block Franc Cup
4 12 AC Singles Level Knockout D'Esterre Bowl
8 16 AC Singles HC Knockout Daldy Cup
14 24 AC Singles HC Block Bush Cup
AC Doubles HC Knockout Shine Salvers

Last update : 08/02/2024 16:55
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