Why are so few players entering tournaments?

ca3-sml.pngWhy are so few players entering tournaments?

This continues the discussion currently on the front page.

A reply from Richard Brooks

I would like to add a few thoughts to your comments on the subject.
I think with payments taken on the day for our one day tournaments it has been to easy for players to make a last minute withdrawal. This must make life very difficult for the managers who have to rehash the schedules at short notice if they can’t get a replacement.

Payment in advance and not being refunded if within three days of the event could be considered. This would be unpopular with some and might discourage a few entries!

The attraction of our one day GC events is probably due to the field being split into several handicap groups, ensuring level play with everyone having a chance of winning.

It’s not just AC that’s suffering a lack of entries in the CA tournaments hosted by the club. As you will know having recently had to make the decision to cancel the Jellicorse Cup which only got five entries and one of those couldn’t have played having sustained a broken arm. I don’t know how many players realised that the winner would have been eligible to receive the CA’s gold merit award (providing there were a minimum of twelve entries). I had the good fortune to get the award last year!   I suspect the Club will have to argue the case for the Jellicorse to remain on the list of eligible events next year following the cancellation.

I think the Club needs to encourage more members to consider CA tournaments,  in my opinion it’s the best way to improve your game. I would be surprised if more than 10% of the SCCC members regularly enter CA tournaments.

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