Sentence to think about :    

The Club Gardens

Looking after our club borders- blooms through the year

For many years the club garden borders meant only one person: Jill Austin. Jill received a CA diploma for services to croquet in 2004 which specifically mentioned (among other attributes) her care of the club borders; and she was still on the committee with special responsibility for the borders ten years later. Sadly Jill died in 2020 but her work continues with a band for like-minded volunteers led by Eileen Prodger, amongst whom we should mention Pat Mechen, Margaret Funnell, Alan Price, Sandra Towner and Ian and Denise Johnson.
To make the work more manageable Eileen has divided the borders into sections so that someone works on each bit.
Eileen is always looking for more volunteers – many hands make light work.

Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens Club Gardens

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