Club Bye-Laws



The Management Committee is responsible for the overall management of the club and will delegate much of its work to Sub-Committees, each consisting of two or more club members. The Chairman of the club will be an ex-officio member of all sub-committees.
A list of responsibilities will be posted on the notice board.

a) In general, play will not start before 9.00 am in summer and not before 10.00 am in
 winter. Lawns are available seven days a week until dusk.

b) The Grounds sub-committee may close a particular lawn or lawns as and when required.
 During Tournaments and throughout the winter the sub-committee, when possible, will keep
 two or more lawns open for members. Heavily subscribed tournaments and lawn care, however, could be reasons to have only one, or rarely, no lawns available.

c) Members must not play on lawns when unfit for play for reasons such as, being
waterlogged; the presence of surface water or frost, or when the grass is heavily worn or muddy. Members should not walk on lawns except when in play.

d) The Management Committee will decide arrangements for the allocation of lawns and post details on the notice board or blackboard. The priorities will generally be in the Order of tournaments – matches - club competitions - coaching - friendly games and practice. Golf croquet will take priority for up to 6 lawns on 2 specified half days per week. Members should be prepared to ‘double bank’ if necessary.   During the Winter period the lawns on Tuesdays mornings are not available for normal play..

e) The Contractor and grounds men take their instructions from only the Grounds sub-
 committee. Members must not interfere with their work, nor give them instructions or
 requests of any kind. Any causes for concern should be reported to any member of the
 sub-committee or the Management Committee
Subject to the availability of lawns, a member may invite a visitor(s) to play during the summer season on payment of the current Green Fee per session. A session is a morning, afternoon or evening. The visitor must be signed in and be limited to four occasions per year. The host member is responsible for recording the date and name(s) in the Visitor’s book, collecting the fee and passing it to the Treasurer or a committee member. Visitors to the club for tournaments and matches will be honorary members for the duration of their visit. Children are defined as under 16 years.

4. SOCIAL MEMBERS A social member is a member who has a past connection with the club or is a spouse/partner of a member.
Social members may use the lawns up to six times during the year.  The visitor’s book must be signed on each occasion.

Footwear must be worn and have flat soles with no heels. Clothing which is predominantly white should be worn for tournaments, inter-club matches and in club finals. Dress is otherwise optional but members should generally be circumspect in their dress at all times.

Full playing members will be given priority in the allocation of lockers. When there are insufficient lockers available a waiting list will compiled. The fee for renting a locker is £5.00 per annum.

Members should take care not to distract players by excessive noise or behaviour. Players should make themselves aware of the CA Rules and Regulations (part 4) concerning behaviour which includes the etiquette for double banked games (Law 52). During games advice must not be sought by players or be offered to them.

8. BAR
The club is licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 and may only serve alcoholic drinks to members and their guests during the permitted hours, as shown in Schedule One of the certificate, which is displayed in the bar. Alcohol must not be served before 11.00 am on Sundays. See also Bye Law 3, “Visitors”. Drinks may be served only by persons authorised by the Committee.
Prices will be fixed by the Bar Manager in conjunction with the Management Committee.
Glasses and crockery must not be taken onto the playing surface.

Members should not put up notices nor alter notices without the authority of the Management Committee. The use of walls, doors, etc. for any notices is to be deprecated. Adverts for croquet kit and equipment may be displayed in the entrance to the clubhouse. All other personal adverts must be placed in the verandah room.

Smoking is NOT permitted in any club building at any time. The no smoking area extends to the tabled areas outside the clubhouse when food is being eaten.
In the grounds cigarette ends should be deposited in litter bins or ashtrays and not thrown on the ground.

11. DOGS
Dogs are not allowed inside any of the buildings and must be kept on a lead at all times. During Tournaments and associated evening activities dogs must remain in the car park.

The last member to leave should ensure that the Canteen and Pavilion including the old office are properly locked, curtains pulled and, if last to leave the Car Park, must close and lock the gate. The gate in Victoria Road should be kept locked at all times.

Revised April 2021


Last update : 05/12/2021 15:54
Page read 6388 times