Capt. W Dixon Green by Crowther Smith

G: Green

A very popular Tournament Manager, especially at Felixtowe

G for Green (Dixon), his management's great

Always cheerful and smiling except when you're late


Capt. W Dixon Green (d 1946) is included by Prichard1 amongst “Some managers” on p194:

”Although he had an unmistakably authoritative air, as if born to be obeyed, he was a great favourite with the ladies. Sometimes, however, his jovial nature could be strained to breaking point. Once, when he was not only managing but playing as well, he was engaged in match late in the day; consequently he had not yet posted up the next day's programme. Gradually a crowd gathered at the edge of his court enquiring about tomorrow's order of play. He bore it patiently for some time, until finally exasperated he exclaimed For heaven's sake go away all of you and come back at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning

Whatman board 188 x 272 mm accompanied by an additional backing sheet similar to that for Beaton, and the couplet has been clipped and stuck in the same way; this board is badly torn on one corner and there are remains of masking tape on the opposite short edge. The couplet has become faded and that on the back of the main board truncated by a 20mm strip, but it has been repeated near the bottom of the additional board. The main board has four pinholes, filled in a somewhat obvious manner. Slight foxing top and bottom and the number 5 neatly in pencil just under the signature




1The History of Croquet, Col D M C Prichard, London, 1981


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