


Played as two american blocks of 6 with a final between the winners of the blocks and a play-off for 3rd and 4th places
Level advanced play throughout
Mark Hamilton bt Richard Jackson  +6
Jon Palin bt David Cook +7
Jonathan Isaacs bt Jeffrey Rushby +20
Neil Coote bt John Gosney +6
Lawrence Whittaker bt John Taylor +6
Luc Berthouze bt Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli +8
Jon Palin bt Mark Hamilton +15
Jonathan Isaacs bt Richard Jackson +2
David Cook bt Jeffrey Rushby +7
John Gosney bt Lawrence Whittaker +16
Luc Berthouze bt Neil Coote +10
John Taylor bt Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli +17
Jonathan Isaacs bt Mark Hamilton +13
Jon Palin bt Jeffrey Rushby +14
Richard Jackson bt David Cook +18
Luc Berthouze bt John Gosney +24
Lawrence Whittaker bt Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli +21
Neil Coote bt John Taylor +15
Mark Hamilton bt Jeffrey Rushby +8
Jonathan Isaacs bt David Cook +5
Jon Palin bt Richard Jackson +20
John Gosney bt Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli +16
Luc Berthouze bt John Taylor +14
Lawrence Whittaker bt Neil Coote  +15
Mark Hamilton bt David Cook +4
Richard Jackson bt Jeffrey Rushby +5
Jon Palin bt Jonathan Isaacs +16
John Taylor bt John Gosney +7
Neil Coote bt Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli +3
Luc Berthouze bt Lawrence Whittaker +17
Jon Palin (5/5 blockA  wins) bt Luc Berthouze(4/5 blockB wins) +22
3rd place play off
Jonathan Isaacs (4/5 block A wins) bt Lawrence Whittaker (3/5 block B  wins) +2
No triple peels or better