20 players took part in the 2-legged race on Thursday and Friday 13/14th August and 32 players in the class singles events over the weekend.
2-legged race Manager Frances Low reports:
The 2-legged race, which is event 2 of the August tournament, was won this year by Jack Davies and Valerie Whittle. For those who have not heard of the event the 2 legs consist of 14 point handicap doubles, then handicap and advanced 14 point singles. Points are scored for pegging out, peels, etc. There are 2 rounds on each of 2 days.

Class singles Manager John Low reports:
Rather mixed weather did not detract from the enjoyment of a weekend's croquet. Four cups were in contention (see all the results in the previous news item).
The Abbey Challenge Cup proved to be a 3-way tussle between Dick Knapp, Paul Castell and Mark Fawcett. Dick Knapp was the victor with 6 wins in 7 games. Mark Fawcett also had 6 wins but lost to Dick.
The Scott Cup was played as a swiss event and also proved to be a 3-way battle between Barry Gould, Ron Sherwin and Jonathan Isaacs. Barry and Jonathan ended up with 4 games a piece, with Barry beating Jonathan and taking the cup.
The Daldy Cup was a run-away victory for Brian Kitching with a straight 5 wins. He did say he hadn't been playing well recently so clearly this is a dangerous return to form!
The Monteith Bowl is the handicap event in the tournament and this year was played with full bisques. Some of the players were a little disconcerted by this at the beginning, but it did have the desired effect of increasing the number of pegged out games. There were clear winners in the two half blocks of Steve Lewendon and Pam Gooders; however, in the subsequent play-off, Wendy Spencer-Smith came through as the eventual winner of a rather fine cup.
I hope all the players enjoyed themselves and will come back again next year.