Sentence to think about :    


Sussex was victorious at the Inter Club Golf Day held at Southwick today.  This is the first time the club has run such a competition in the winter season.  Six teams from local clubs competed on a day of contrasting weather conditions - sunny in the morning and rain in the afternoon - both conditions 'helped' by a fairly icy wind!

The format was an american block with each team playing a doubles and two singles games.

The results were:
Sussex County 1st place with 5 wins
Purley Bury / Royal Tunbridge Wells Joint 2nd place with 3 wins
Littlehampton (two teams) Joint 3rd place with 2 wins
Rother Valley Enjoyed the day!

SCCC hopes to repeat the occasion next year so if there are any comments on the event, please contact the club.

Photos of the event here.