Sentence to think about :    


Peter Dowd new Captain of Sussex GC Team

After representing the Sussex team for eighteen years and having the honour of being the Captain/Organiser for the last six, Richard Brooks has decided now is the right time for him to give up his leadership role.

After relegation in 2018 Sussex bounced back to Division 1 in the following year and have remained a Division 1 team since then. This year we needed to win our last match to retain our place at Southwick in 2025. Fortunately we achieved that vital win.

Richard said: "I would like thank the club members who were watching and encouraging the team on Sunday afternoon.

I also thank the team members past and present who have supported me during my time as Captain. I’m now pleased to hand over the captaincy to Peter Dowd, wishing him and Sussex every success in the future."

Peter Dowd


Thanks from the whole County to Richard for all his hard work and the successes he has brought to the County - and good luck to Peter.