Sentence to think about :    


AC Alternate Stroke Doubles on 15th August

The AC Alternate Stroke Doubles on 15th August attracted 16 players, ranging from handicaps 1 to 24! 8 pairs made an interesting tournament which I roughly did as a Swiss.

The matches were handicap but under normal doubles handicap rules. I now realise I should have made a bisque base so all could have a few bisques. Never mind. It is a learning curve.

Anyway, the final result was a win for Liz Farrow and David Dickens who were victorious in all their 4 games, including 2 pegged out games. Congratulations to them. Andrew Baxter and Mike Akester were 2nd with 2 wins including a pegged out win. They played canny games and roqueted and hooped well!

Every pair won at least one game so I think a good day was had by all although it could have been warmer!

My thanks to all who took part particularly those who helped high bisque partners - Ray Hall, Alan Cottle, Liz Farrow and Richard Ellis. Particular thanks to Liz Farrow for getting the tea/coffee ready and for washing up!! Very much appreciated. Thanks also to Deborah Marcus who offered to help with the admin.

Alternate Stroke doubles is a good learning opportunity for beginners/improvers and it is good to play with experienced and capable AC players. Many thanks to all the players for their participation and encouragement.

Frances (Manager)

And thanks to Frances for organising and managing this event.