Skittles and BBQ Evening
The Club held a Skittles and BBQ evening on 29th June which was quite well attended. The alley was set up on the lawn space between the two rows of pollarded limes in front of the clubhouse.
Some pictures of play in progress:

A barbeque was served during proceedings - burger, sausages and salad (including what I am told was a delicious vegan burger made by Chrissie)

Unfortunately the evening came to an early end as a consequence of a fall being suffered by a member present which required medical intervention. A second fall by another member was fortunately less serious. We wish both of them a speedy recovery.
Thanks to Fran Box for organising the evening, to Paul Castell and Richard Carline for setting out and running the skittles, and to Jonathan and Chrissie Isaacs, Rachel Pointon and Fran Box for the Barbeque and to Richard Pointon for running the bar.