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Advantage GC Competition 17th March 2023

Congratulations to Roger Sutton and Richard Carline for the excellent and most successful GC competition played with the Advantage scoring system.  Most players appeared to get to grips with the scoring arrangements and no doubt we will see more of Advantage GC on our lawns this season.

Roger organised the event as 5 blocks of four players who played each other in the morning session. The afternoon was a knockout of the block winners and 3 best losers, with the remainder playing  a loose Swiss format plate.

The main event was won by Paul Brown in grand style; at 6:6 and with his opponent David Dickins in control at the final hoop Paul pulled of a clearance from the other end of the court to stay in the game. After further jostling for position around the hoop in which it appeared David would succeed but a positional (and perhaps tactical) error gave Paul the chance to make the final hoop. Congratulations to Paul for winning and to David for making it an interesting final to watch.


Two players were awarded prizes in the Plate event, to Francis Ainley and to Narmada de Silva. Congratulations to then both.

Francis Ainley
Narmada de Silva

This was the first time an Advantage GC handicap competition has been played at Southwick and its success was down to the excellent organisation and preparation. In particular, the work that Richard Carline did in designing and producing his Advantage Posts and starting score cards made a huge difference to playing the game. The writer was somewhat sceptical when told about the system earlier but having played with it is a complete convert. It was so useful to be able to refer to the starting score card - particularly when starting with a minus score - to keep your actual score in your head; the cards made it far easier than looking for clips on peg and post. Thanks Richard for the time and effort put into this. We hope to have further information on his sytem on the website in the near future.


I got the inpression most players came away with a positive view of the Advantage handicap system, in comparison to extra turn format. Please be encouraged to try it out!

Results in full

Block A MD Jl VY JM Wins Position
Martin Daniels 7 7 7 3 1
John low 3 0 7 1 4
Victoria Yudintseva 2 7 3 1 3
Jim Mander 5 5 7 1 2
Block B NDS FA PB LM Wins Position
Narmada De Silva 4 7 7 2 1
Francis Ainley 7 5 7 2 3
Paul Brown 4 7 7 2 2
Laki Marangos 0 6 3 0 4
Block C PG SA MH SK Wins Position
Paul Green 7 7 7 3 1
Simon Ancell 2 7 7 2 2
Mark Hamilton 2 3 3 0 4
Susan Kilby 5 2 7 1 3
Block D PG PH SM DR Wins Position
Peter Goldsmith 6 7 3 1 4
Philip Harrison 7 7 7 3 1
Sheona McArthur 6 4 7 1 3
Diana Rolfe 7 6 4 1 2
Block E CH JM DD KY Wins Position
Chris Heath 5 1 1 0 4
John Munt 7 2 3 1 3
David Dickins 7 7 6 2 2
Konstantin Yudintsev 7 7 7 3 1

Knockout Stage

Quarter Final Semi-Final Final Winner
Konstantin Yudintsev Konstantin Yudentsev 7-5 Paul Brown 7-6 Paul Brown 7-6
Philip Harrison
Simon Ancell Paul Brown 7-4
Paul Brown
David Dickins David Dickins 7-5 David Dickins 7-5
Narmada de Silva
Paul Green Martin Daniels 7-4
Martin Daniels

Games played in the Plate Event

John Low  beat Sheona McArthur 7-6
Peter Goldsmith beat Victoria Yudintseva 7-5
Peter Goldsmith beat Susan Kilby 7-5 Susan Kilby beat Victoria Yudintseva 7-5
Jim Mander beat Susan Kilby 7-6
Jim Mander beat Peter Goldsmith 7-2
Laki Marangos beat John Munt 7-6
Laki Marangos beat John Low 7-6
John Munt beat Sheona McArthur 7-5
Chris Heath beat Mark Hamilton 7-6
Francis Ainley beat Diana Rolfe 7-4
Francis Ainley beat Chris Heath 7-2
Philip Harrison beat Diana Rolfe 7-6
Diana Rolfe beat David King 7-1

Some pictures from the event

Court equipment ready for play
David Dickins and Paul Brown at the 5th hoop
Paul shooting to save the match
The winning shot