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Hurlingham win Longman Cup match 4-3

Sussex was represented by Rosemary Faulkner, Robyn Clark, Deborah Marcus and John Low. In the morning doubles the combination of Robyn's good roquet and hooping skills and John's tactical experience meant Hurlingham never really got going as Sussex got round to hoop 8 (John) and hoop 12 (Robyn). John took the final bisque to go round and complete the hoop 12 peel but was hampered on his escape ball so unable to peg out. Instead he split the opposition and laid up with a rush for Robyn's ball to peg which she duly did after Hurlingham missed the long shot.

GuyHewitt-sml.jpgIn his morning singles Guy Hewitt from Hurlingham completed a round of 12 hoops without bisques and went on to win the game against Rosemary and thereby gaining his silver award. Guy is a recent convert to croquet, having had to give up rugby and tennis due to knee injury; invited to try croquet he is now hooked and a rapid improver, reducing his handicap to 3.5 over 3 years. Congratulations on gaining the award.

In the afternoon Rosemary Faulkner took the lead in her match and was able to maintain it after she ran out of bisques.  Despite the best efforts of her opponent to split her balls she made a number of good hits-in to keep the upper hand and stall any attack on her lead, finishing the game +5

Thanks to Deborah Marcus for organising the match and also for organising an excellent lunch for both teams. 


Full results

Longman Cup Match  - Sussex County  v Hurlingham 25 May 2022

7 games
Guy Hewitt beat Deborah Marcus +13
Richard Andrews beat Rosemary Faulkner +15
John Low & Robyn Clark beat Martin Read & Henry Bagwell  +25
John Low beat Guy Hewitt +21
Martin Read beat Deborah Marcus + 15
Rosemary Faulkner beat Henry Bagwell +7(t)
Richard Andrews beat Robyn Clark + 10

Hurlingham beat Sussex County   4 games to 3