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Sussex trounce Merton in Federation GC Level League

On Thursday 15th July Sussex A played a home match against Merton.
The teams were:-
Sussex A
Morgan Case  -2 handicap 
Richard Brooks  -1 (captain)
Bob Clark  -1
Paul Castell  -1

Graham Withrington  0
Carolyn Doswell  3 (captain)
Simon Emdin  3
Hilary Davis  4

With a 15 point handicap advantage we obviously started as favourites and so it proved to be when we ran out as 6-1 match winners.

However we must congratulate our opponents for putting up a hard fight and each of our players lost at least one game in the best of 3 encounters. This meant that we all lost points on our handicap cards in spite of the margin of victory.
Our final league match of the season is away at Dulwich on 18th August.

With one more match to play in the League, Sussex A are 3-0 up.

Report by Richard Brooks Sussex A captain