Sentence to think about :    


A sunny day of association croquet on Wednesday played in two competitions under handicap and advanced rules. Thanks to all who took part and followed Covid restrictions assiduously.

The handicap competition was won by Christine Merrington who won all her games. Congratulations Christine - hope you like your new handicap! Second place was Simon Ling.

Christine Merrington on hoop approach
Handicap Winner Christine Merrington

Handicap Block SL RF BC AG CM MC Wins Net Hoops
Simon Ling 10 14 14 13 6 3 21
Rosemary Faulkner 11 6 6 6 6 1 -19
Bruce Carr 3 9 14 1 2 2 -18
Alan Grundy 3 7 10 7 8 1 -23
Christine Merrington 14 14 14 14 14 5 41
Morgan Case 5 14 3 10 2 3 -2

The advanced rules competition was played in two blocks of four with cross-over semi-finals and final. The winner was Chris Coull who beat Liz Farrow in the final. Congratulations to Chris.

Chris Coull pegging out in the final
Advanced winner Chris Coull

Advanced Block A CC CH JL JI Wins Net Hoops
Chris Coull 14 14 14 3 25
Clive Hayton 10 5 14 1 5
John Low 7 6 6 1 -14
Jonathan Isaacs 0 4 14 1 -16
Advanced Block B LF PD CR MC Wins Net Hoops
Liz Farrow 14 8 10 2 5
Phil Dunk 8 14 14 2 5
Chris Rolph 12 7 11 1 -6
Martyn Cooperman 7 10 14 1 -4

Advanced Final Rounds Games Wins Win % Results
Chris Coull 2 2 100.0% L.Farrow +12, P.Dunk +4
Martyn Cooperman 2 2 100.0% J.Isaacs +11, J.Low +13
John Low 2 1 50.0% C.Rolph +1, M.Cooperman -13
Clive Hayton 2 1 50.0% L.Farrow -12, P.Dunk +8
Jonathan Isaacs 2 1 50.0% M.Cooperman -11, C.Rolph +8
Liz Farrow 2 1 50.0% C.Hayton +12, C.Coull -12
Phil Dunk 2 0 0.0% C.Coull -4, C.Hayton -8
Chris Rolph 2 0 0.0% J.Low -1, J.Isaacs -8