Jill Austin
We are very sorry to hear that Jill Austin, long time and Life Member of the Club has died.
Many members knew her well. Pam and Gerald Gooders were two of them: "She joined the Club in 1995. Previously she had played at the Tennis Club with her sister, where they had won many competitions.
She was the type of member any club would be pleased to welcome, immediately beginning to help where she could. She joined the Working Party, concentrating on the borders, which many visitors to the Club commented on. She was willing to try her hand at anything apart from baking, which she laughingly admitted wasn't her thing! She was awarded a Diploma from the CA in 2004 for her many services to croquet; the citation specifically mentioned her care of the borders.
Jill was a good player of all forms of the game and organised the Club Roll Up afternoons. She was also the Club Membership Secretary for many years. A delightful person and valued club member."

A number of members of the Club paid their respects to Jill as the cortege arrived at the church in Southwick.