Sentence to think about :    


Internal Competitions for 2020

Information from Roger Sutton

The draw for the internal singles competitions has now been made and these will be found on our website shortly.

This year I will not be posting them on our notice board.

When you book a lawn please advise Francis that you are playing a match.

Some of the matches may take over the two-hour slot so please advise how much time you think you will need.

When the match has been played please e mail the result to

The result will then be posted onto the website.

This year the wearing of whites for competitions is optional however wearing white will indicate to other players that you are in a match and should not be disturbed.

Please be aware of the play-by dates, we have lost two months of the season so it is important to adhere to them. It is the responsibility of both players to organize and get the game played. You will have less time to get your matches played.

Please note the following changes to competition details:

AC Daldy: only three entrants so it is now in American Block format.