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Canterbury One-Ball - 03/06/2019 11:09

Sussex County win Canterbury One-Ball tournament

Sunday 2nd June saw the Sussex County one ball team consisting of Chris Coull, Gabrielle Higgins and Tudor Jenkins.

Arriving to a laid-on breakfast of crossed buns and tea we quickly dispatched Canterbury A and B teams without a single loss. After a sumptuous and boozy lunch, the team continued with wins of 2 from 3 against each of Ramsgate and Tunbridge Wells, to finish an unassailable 10 from 12. This score won Sussex the one-ball wine cooler as well six crystal wine glasses for the tournament’s highest break – 8 hoops from the skipper, Chris Coull. He also took the jammy-dodger prize for running 4back instead of penult with a hoop and roquet, only continue his break to penult oblivious to his good fortune. The prize? A packet of Jammy Dodgems!

Report from Chris
