
Advanced Spring Tournament - 11/05/2018 09:06

Spring Advanced Tournament

The Southwick Salver

First Round Second Round Third Round Semi-Final Final Winner
  Stephen Mulliner Stephen Mulliner +26 Stephen Mulliner +26 Stephen Mulliner +26tp, -17, +13tpo Stephen Mulliner +4, +16
  Colin Hemming
  Phil Eardley Phil Eardley +22
  Robert Alexander
Alan Chance Alan Chance +13 Alan Chance +26 Annabel McDiarmid +26tp
Phil Dunk
Liz Farrow David G Nicholson +23
David G Nicholson
Nigel Polhill Nigel Polhill +17 Annabel McDiarmid +23
Sarah Melvin
David Cook Annabel McDiarmid +25
Annabel McDiarmid
Mark Fawcett Paul Castell +15 Paul Castell +7 Paul Castell +14 Sam Murray +20tp, +25
Paul Castell
Neil Coote John Wells +5
John Wells
Chris Coull Chris Coull +4 Chris Coull +2
David Williams
  Gabrielle Higgins
  Phil Cordingley Phil Cordingley +2 Sam Murray +11
  James Tuttiett
  Alan Clark Sam Murray +25tp
  Sam Murray

The Egyptian consolation event was won by Alan Chance.