
SCCC B level AC Weekend - 09/05/2017 19:11

The SCCC AC B level was held on 6/7 May 2017.

The tournament was played over 5 rounds of 35 games in all.  Some contestants came from as far as Scotland and Durham, so there was an interesting range of players.   They faced rather wintry temperatures on Saturday, though there was a slight thaw on Sunday.   It was great to have Mark Hamilton playing in the tournament after a two-year absence from croquet.  The tournament was won by Chris Coull with 5 wins over 5 rounds and the runner-up was Phil Dunk, with 4 wins, both SCCC members.  

Name Wins Losses
Chris Coull 5 0
Phil Dunk 4 1
Liz Farrow 3 2
Jonathan Isaacs 3 2
Chris Rolph 3 2
Philip Windred 3 2
Paul Wolff 3 2
Edward Dymock 2 3
David Houston 2 3
John Reddish 2 3
John M Taylor 2 3
Roger Tedstone 2 3
David Cook 1 4
Mark Hamilton 0 5

Deborah Marcus