Sentence to think about :    


Winter Use of Lawns - 14/11/2016 09:24

Dear all

I set out below guidance on use of lawns over the winter, including priorities for lawn use and other aspects of winter play:

Perhaps more than in previous years, lawns will be in short supply this winter. We normally keep lawns 10 and 11 in use throughout the winter and rotate usage of the other lawns with lawns 1, 2 and 3 normally rested, as they are the lowest lying and shaded by the trees on the railway embankment and so never really dry out in the middle of winter. With lawns 7, 8, 10 and 11 out of action until May because of this year’s  renovation, there will be only 4 lawns available for most of the winter.

There are three designated club sessions a week – Monday and Thursday afternoon GC and Wednesday morning AC, where priority is given to GC or AC respectively and given the shortage of lawns, this will have to be applied strictly this winter.

Tournaments and pre-arranged Academy coaching also have priority.

Other club-approved sessions take place during the week at pre-arranged times. During these sessions and at all other times lawns should be shared by club members and consideration given to any member wishing to play / practice outside any session going on at the time.

Other winter aspects

Use of secondaries
Secondary balls should be used during the winter in preference to primaries to even out wear and tear on the sets of balls. This will also help members to become familiar with using the secondaries.

Jump shots
As the ground is softer, jumping is not permitted.

Starting corner for GC
Please will all players remember to start GC social games over a yard away from the usual starting corner (corner IV as AC players know it) to avoid wear and tear in the corner.

Thank you for your consideration.
Clive Hayton
Sussex County Croquet Club