Hello All,
Moss treatments being applied in the weather-window today (12 March) have been long planned, with the materials standing-by for the chance.
These are part of several specialist disease and feed applications in the Out of Season programme. Rigorous works with specialist machinery will also be undertaken in the schedule for March.
Bringing forward the A G M may have given an impression that restricted use of lawns ended. We are looking forward to bringing more lawns into use, when the Season opens from 28th March.
Do check, first before play, the notice board in the Verandah building corridor and/or on the Lawns page of the website.
Please remember that at all times, the peg and/or hoops are removed from a lawn when it is not to be used, for good reasons. By replacing them and using a suspended lawn you may be treading where a hazardous treatment has been applied and, most likely, will cause someone considerable extra work, for example, in re-setting hoops prepared for a competition.
If you would like to explore participating in Lawns operations, please register your interest with me (Robin Wootton), Richard Brooks (G C Captain), John Gosney, Jim Mortell, Janet Hoptroff, Clive Hayton, Liz Farrow, Clive Grimley, Graham Tucker, Deborah Marcus, Peter Pullen, Roger Sutton, Daphne Gaitley (A C Captain), Luc Berthouze or any longstanding member.