Sentence to think about :    


Played on a very pleasant day with almost complete sunshine and no wind.

8 teams of two players played an American block.  The event was won by Jane and Neil from the Chichester and Fishbourne Croquet Club who were triumphant in all their games.


The runners-up were Janet Hoptroff and Robin Wootton who lost only to the winners.

Full results:

Jane H & Neil Jill & David Margaret & Keith Clive & Alan Anne & Graham Jane G & Colin Linda & Lynne Janet & Robin Wins Ties Place
Jane & Neil Humphreys 5-1 6-5 7-4 6-5 7-2 6-2 6-5 7 1
Jill Mays & David King 1-5 6-5 2-6 5-7 3-4 6-5 4-7 2 6
Margaret Pointing & Keith Webb 5-6 5-6 7-2 7-5 5-5 7-1 5-6 3 1 4
Clive Grimley & Alan Theobald 4-7 6-2 2-7 6-3 7-3 6-4 6-7 4 3
Tony Trump &Graham Tucker 5-6 7-5 5-7 3-6 3-4 3-5 1-7 1 8
Jane Gribbon & Colin Lyle 2-7 4-3 5-5 3-7 4-3 7-4 6-7 2 1 5
Linda Gavigan & Lynne Lyle 2-6 5-6 1-7 4-6 5-3 4-7 3-6 1 7
Janet Hoptroff & Robin Wootton 5-6 7-4 6-5 7-6 7-1 7-6 6-3 6 2

