Sentence to think about :    


End of season lawn work - 21/10/2014 19:24

Dear all

Our grounds contractors will be performing some intensive end of season work on our lawns starting this week (weather permitting). This will mean that at some times over the next week or so, there may be no lawns available for play for a few days.

We will try to keep members informed via the web-site and email when the work is being done and when lawns might not be available. If anyone has any questions or wants an update before travelling to the club, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email or my mobile number.

This end of season work by our contractors is critical to the process of continuing to improve our lawns for the coming years so I hope members will be understanding about any inconvenience.



The contractors will be scarifying all 8 working lawns today so there will be no lawns available for the club session this afternoon. The scarifying will be followed by verti-draining (deep tining) as weather allows. I will try to keep members updated on lawn availability through this week and next week.


28th October
Our contractors' end of season work on the lawns continues so there will not be any lawns available to members today and tomorrow.
I will continue to send out regular updates by email. 

29th October
There should be 3 lawns available tomorrow (Thursday) but probably none on Friday as vertdraining now likely to be on Friday. I will email if things change.