
A lovely autumn weekend saw Andrew Cowing triumph in the GC Open Competition for the Hamilton Trophy, beating local player Janet Hoptroff in the final 7-4, 2-7, 7-5.

The field was reduced by four withdrawals through ilness, injury or no show and left the Manager wishing he had powers of foresight!

The consolation bottle was awarded to Jonathan Isaacs, as a shortened (so players could watch the final) Swiss competition did not produce a true outcome.


Full results to follow.




The team AC 14pt Doubles competition was won by Southwick.


However the star of the weekend was:


The guest player didn't dominate on the lawn as she spent quite a lot of time doing this:



Any good photo captions will be published (if clean!)  Email webmaster.

The South of England Week played at Compton Croguet Club, Eastbourne 22-27 September  is looking for more players, otherwise it may be cancelled.

Club Chairman Mike Cockburn writes:

"We are keen to encourage more players to enter this long-established tournament and would be grateful if you could bring this message to the attention of any of your members who might be interested. It takes place at the Compton Croquet Club in Eastbourne and features handicap singles, handicap doubles, class singles and a consolation singles. Entrants may choose one or more events and the programme is structured in such a way that players need only be present for part of the week if they wish - see below for a brief summary: full details in the CA's Fixtures' Calendar (pages 49/50) or on the CA website (click the “Tournaments” tab, “Fixtures Calendar” under “Individual Competitions”, scroll down to “22-27 Sep” and choose the “i” icon for information or the green and red icon to enter).


Entries may be made online via the CA website (preferred) or by post - but in the latter case an email to the manager Colin Hemming ( would be much appreciated.


Lunches and teas will be available and we hope to provide Eastbourne's famous sunshine!"


For a report on this tournament, see here.

Annual Tournament Results - 17/08/2014 20:38

The Advanced Class Singles (Annual Tournament) was reduced from three classes to one event this year, due to lack of entries.

The competition was won by David Mumford who won all five games.  Congratulations to him.  The Scott Cup was used as the trophy for the event (normally the B Class trophy).



The runner-up with 4 wins was David Cook.



Full results:

1    David Cook     beat     Roger Wood    +12
2    Ray Hall     beat     Mark Hamilton    +8
3    David Mumford     beat     Richard Jackson    +10
4    Jonathan Isaacs     beat     Liz Farrow    +24
5    Phil Dunk     beat     John M Taylor    +17

6    Liz Farrow     beat     John M Taylor    +2
7    David Cook     beat     Ray Hall    +19
8    David Mumford     beat     Jonathan Isaacs    +6
9    Roger Wood     beat     Phil Dunk    +16
10    Mark Hamilton     beat     Richard Jackson    +4

11    David Mumford     beat     David Cook    +14
12    Jonathan Isaacs     beat     Ray Hall    +23
13    Phil Dunk     beat     Mark Hamilton    +2
14    Roger Wood     beat     Liz Farrow    +6
15    John M Taylor     beat     Richard Jackson    +16

16    David Mumford     beat     Phil Dunk    +4
17    David Cook     beat     Jonathan Isaacs    +13
18    Roger Wood     beat     Ray Hall    +13tpo
19    John M Taylor     beat     Mark Hamilton    +8
20    John Low     beat     Liz Farrow    +18

21    David Mumford     beat     Roger Wood    +7
22    David Cook     beat     Phil Dunk    +6
23    John M Taylor     beat     Jonathan Isaacs    +16
24    John Low     beat     Ray Hall    +10
25    Liz Farrow     beat     Mark Hamilton    +3 


The GC High Handicap Ladder Competition is running again,

from 1st September to the end of November.


Details are here.

Sussex Coaching Pod - 26/07/2014 22:22

Find new information here about the new coaching initiative from the CA:

Woking wins Ladies Day - 03/07/2014 07:05

The presentation yesterday at Southwick when the Ladies Day trophy was won by the team from Woking.

Thanks to David Gaitley for the photo.



Summer Barbecue - 19/06/2014 19:12

SCCC Summer Barbeque

Saturday 19th July


Members, Players & Guests welcome




Prime Aberdeen Angus Beefburgers

(Onions, Cheddar Cheese Slice & Bacon)




Premium Sausages - specially selected


Freshly prepared salads




SCCC’s Special Desserts including

Strawberry Pavlova

Summer Pudding

The Chairman’s Cheesecake




(Vegetarian options available on request.)

To book sign up at Club or email:



Anyone visiting the club this week can't fail to have seen this event taking place.  Seven teams from Austria, Canada,  Czech republic, Germany, Norway, Spain and Sweden competing in teams of four.

Three games a day for each player (1 doubles and 2 singles) was a lot of games and the top team scored well over 1200 hoops in the six days!

Ray Hall took a lot of photos and I will put a selection on the website in due course.

A summary of the results will follow here shortly, but you can find all the results on - look for WTC Tier 2.2/3 in the list of competitions.