
The supervised event in the High Bisquer Tournament was won by Judith Moore who beat Johannes Hamaan in the final.

(Photo courtesy of Peter Moore)

The Pat Shine Shield was won by Steve Lewendon in a final against Alan Rew.

Report fromManager Frances Low

The High Bisquer tournament at Southwick was held again this August.
Following on our successful pilot last year, we again split the entries into a Main Event for the High Bisque Salver, and a supervised group who had varying degrees of help.
The main event had 10 players, and was run as a Swiss with each playing 5 X 18 point games with a base of 6, so there were bisques to set up and maintain breaks! 2 players ended with 4 wins out of 5 - Alan Rew and Steve Lewendon. As Steve had beaten Alan (by 1 on time), he was declared the
winner. Several players ended on 3 wins, and there were some very close contests. Not enough peg outs but.......

The supervised group had 8 players, all visitors to the Club. They played 5 X 14 point games with a base of 6. The first 3 games were fully supervised with coaches on hand to advise and suggest, and to answer questions and points of law. The 2nd day was more relaxed but help was available if
needed. A closely fought final between Johannes Hamann and Judith Moore, was won by Judith who was awarded a Southwick glass! Judith fully appreciated the help on hand and her play improved over the 2 days. Johannes had a handicap reduction to 20. Hopefully, we will see them in the main event next

Supervising matches is very hard, intensive work, so my grateful thanks to Pat and Richard Jackson who turned out both days, and to Gene Mears, Alan Theobald and Jonathan Isaacs who all helped 1 day. A special thanks To Don Mears for acting as ROT (Tournament Referee), and for his help and advice to everyone on the laws.

Thanks are due, as ever, to the Southwick catering team, and to John Gosney
for setting the hoops.
A special thank you from me to all the coaches and players who made this a very enjoyable and rewarding tournament. I could not have managed without my husband, John, who organized the Swiss for me on day 1 when I was coaching, and who did the teas and bar. I look forward to seeing some of you next year, and hopefully, many new players.
Frances Low - August 2011