
News for May - 05/05/2016 19:31


 Just a few notes on the very busy month of May!

You will have noticed from the calendar and the Academy lawn use (both on our website) that May is busy!

This week we host members of the WCF from various other countries for  academy courses.

Tomorrow and Wednesday there will be only 4 lawns available for members- so a lot of doubling up necessary, even if you are playing a club comp. perhaps . On Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th there are two tournaments taking place- so very little lawn space available for other use.  Saturday night is a theme dinner- there are spaces still, so do come and meet some of our WCF visitors. Let Jonathan know if you are coming.

On the 14th May (Saturday) there will be only two lawns available for members due to  a large group of Basketmakers having a Corporate Day with us.

And, the major event (probably of the year!) is the AC Intercounties  Championship from 28th to 31st May, when no lawns are available until play finishes for the day. 

Do come  and watch  and  volunteer to help at the intercounties- it is a great  event.

A parking problem- when both clubs are busy we do have parking issues. Now the grass is dry- please park right up to the hedge and well on to the grass by lawn 9. Also PLEASE leave  a space by the grass stores so that other cars can go through and out that way. Too much manoeuvring to turn round can cause (and has caused) issues with other cars.   There is space in the roads around the club to park free- even if it isn’t  as convenient.

Hopefully  we will have a good May- I gather the weather is set to get hotter at the end of the week- at last!
